
10/9/18: nbc vs barracuuuuuuda

Alooooha Mighty 92!

In the spirit of stress and depression, I am delighted to present you with some revolutionary findings. In a recent research paper written by none other than Dr. Jeremey “Dr. J” Dumalig, it has been found that sleep deprivation actually enhances academic ability¡!¡! Read on here¿!

Please note that this paper was produced as a satirical parody to the events that transpired at the most recent grade meeting, and that it was written exclusively between the hours of 12 am and 5 am to maximize academic ability.

Additionally, as the essay season of torrential homework approaches, remember to follow the AdVIcE of his Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.

Na may pag-ibig,

Jeremías Dúmáløg!

9/12/18: S-I, S-I-D, S-I-D-E-O-U-T

To whomsoever it shall concern (it shall concern the Mighty 91),

The Nueva School, according to an anonymous source, is “an independent PreK-12 school where gifted learners discover and develop their passions, and learn to make choices that positively and profoundly impact the world” (Rosenberg, p 101). Now, what better example than the Nueva Basketball Club? The perfect example; the NBC is Nueva’s golden child. But who says this golden child can’t have a child of its own?

On this date in history (actually since last Friday), the Nueva Volleyball Club, aka the NVC, was born.  When we all graduate, go off to college/take gap decades, apply for jobs, inevitably get rejected, become homeless, and reflect on our high school days, y’all’ll’ve wished that you were a part of the NVC.  It’s never too late (it’s too late after graduation). Join the NVC.

Come to the game tomorrow; Thursday the 13th, 4:00 pm in the gym. Be there or be square. Also you may or may not gain house points for attending (not applicable if you are homeless).

Tu amor para siempre,

Jarmy Duma Ligma

“If we were really to see one another as brothers and sisters, there would be no basis for division, cheating and exploitation among us. Therefore it’s important to promote the idea of the oneness of humanity, that in being human we are all the same.” -his holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

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9/4/18: keep calm and stay MIGHTY

Buenos nachos Mighty 91,

Fourteen score and twelve days ago, in a land much like ours today, a baby emerged from the butt of its dear mother.  Little did the parents know, that their baby - whomst shall be referred to as ‘they’ - would go on to rise up from their humble beginnings and revolutionize the world.  They went on to grow, develop, and magnify each and every day, 1% at a time.  Fourteen score and twelve days later, alas, they were no longer a baby; they were a beast.  The mother: freemails, and the father: basketball.  The beast itself: the Nueva Basketball Club.

Welcome to NBC 2.0 | New Year, New Brand

Allow myself to introduce me.  My name is Jeremrey Dumilag, student/self-proclaimed administrator at the Nueva School, a place of innovation and (of course) fAilUre.  I am President and Head of Communications of the NBC, a multimedia organization dedicated to the social and emotional well-being of the Class of 2020, better known as the Mighty 91.  We shower the grade with seasonal messages of happiness, jubilance, humor, education, and occhiolism (look it up). We ePITomIZe Nueva’s core values and stand as an iCOn for all of the athletic youth, evident through our spiritual leader and official club scripture.

fOcUS. cHANgE. eVoLVe. cOMMuNICatE. lEaD. aCt. peanut. dIvERsiFy. pRoCEsS. tRAnsFoRM. GRow. yeLLoW. lEaRN. imProVE. tEaCH. ACHeivE gRaeTnEsS. fLAp yOuR wINgS aND fLy.

I am the NBC.  You are the NBC.  We are the NBC.  Together, just like Nueva learners.

Very fondly,

Jerome Dumpling

“War is a murderous machine used to annihilate anything in the way of its unending quest for absolute power.” -Mahatma Gandhi

unsubscribe here

6/7/18: goodbye!

Dear Clay, Qincy, Isabel, Natalie, Cevi, Aleeha, Bran, jACk, Elizabeth, Amy, Isabel, Atharv, Hannah, Eliot, Meg, Rachel, jERemY, Alice, Finley, Ethan, Megan, Josha, Ryan, Nivi, Sydney, Max, Miles, Camille, Tyler, Anya, Zoe, Piper, Noah, Calista, Jason, Steven, Molly, Chloe, Anna, Ina, Grace, Ben, Jacob, Nico, Sophia, Irene, Maya, Lciano, Casey, Christopher, Amelia, Gabriel, JJ, Alexander, Katya, Madeline, Nikhil, Lke, Billy, Tyler, Steven, Pranav, Anjali, Grace, Max, Lara, Evan, Sky, Wesley, Max, dAvID, Amit, Zachary, Nikhil, Izzy, Morgan, Noah, Dylan, Egenia, Cory, Merritt, Jake, Sanjana, Parker, Stanley, Naila, Aidan, Ben, Hanna, Jstin, Astin,

It seems like jst last week that we tricked the entire Mighty 91 that we got reported (OH wait it was last week).  Sper mch has happened in the past academic year. Or school witnessed the birth of a new sovereign state, a nation, deemed tha Nueva Basketball Club.Since then, the NBC - as it has come to be known as - nrelentlessly sent ot email after email, email after email, srvey after srvey, and srvey after srvey, refsing to be stopped by the Administration.  Please note the se of repetition as a rhetorical device.  The clb has srvived every storm, hrdled every obstacle, swished every shot.  Throgh closed gyms, spam-filtered emails, and big scares, the NBC stands lod, prod, and for its national anthem, better than ever.  Please note the se of zegma as a literary device. As we all hold the immense privilege to be alive in this era of academic athletic excellence, let s reminisce:

The emails that sometimes fond their way to the inboxes of the Mighty 91...

1. Basketball 101


3. How mch does Basketball Clb mean to YO?

4. We have been foiled AGAIN?!??!?!?!

5. I think I love yo <3

6. David and Goliath: Neva Basketball Clb srvives big scare!


8. Important Costa Rica information: Airport instrctions and more!

9. CoStA rICa deBRieF

10. ¡¡!!!GyM===oPeN¡¡!!

11. eNd oF tHE yEAr

12. Or Apology

The srveys that never failed to entertain…

  1. Basketball 101 nconference

  2. How mch does Basketball Clb matter to YO?

  3. Short, 2-qestion srvey!!

  4. ¿¿cryptic srvey.??

  5. Getting to know the MIGHTY 91

  6. SRVEY: CoStA rICa deBRieF


  8. NBC Challenge

  9. wOOd yO like to Own yOr Own nbc pin¿


Lastly, yo will notice that the letter “U” is absent in this entire email.  That’s becase the NBC woldn’t be here withot YOU, so thank yo.  As a tribute to the NBC and everything that it stands for, please wear your cOSTa RiCA shirt tomorrow to school.

Hasta next year,

Germany Dmalig

“I’m Tibetan, I’m Bddhist and I’m the Dalai Lama, bt if I emphasize these differences it sets me apart and raises barriers with other people. What we need to do is to pay more attention to the ways in which we are the same as other people.” -his holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

6/1/18: Our Apology

Hello sophomores,

I greatly regret the following words, and I write to you to inform you of information regarding the Nueva Basketball Club. Earlier today, a member of our class reported us to the Administration following the most recent club meeting. This Administrator then had a meeting with David, Jeremy, and I, and at the conclusion of the meeting, it was decided that the NBC is to be officially terminated for an indefinite amount of time, effective immediately. I highly appreciate all of the love and support that many of you have accepted our emails with; however we will not be able to send them anymore.  Please do not spread false rumors or talk about this publicly, and more information about this will come from Jeremy.

Wishing the best,

Jack Brasesco

Hello sophomores,

It fills me with great sadness to have to write the following, but this must be said: the Nueva Basketball Club as we know it will be shut down. Shortly following the most recent NBC meeting, a revered member of our community reported us to the Administration. I believe that I speak for everyone in the NBC when I offer gratitude and thank you for all of the support and loyalty that many of you have given us. Additionally, we would like to thank you for your high levels of approval towards our emails; unfortunately there will be no more. Please do not spread false rumors or talk about this publicly, and more information about this will come from Jeremy.


David Shields

Dear fellow classmates,

Please read this entire email, as it is extremely pertinent and relevant to you.

It has come to my attention that the emails and actions of the NBC, while being inclusive and shared with the entire community, are not particularly liked by certain members of our grade.  One of my most recent emails has been spam-filtered, and an anonymous member of our grade has reported me to the Administration. I have been asked to write this email to you all apologizing for my inappropriate actions and abuse of my Nueva email.

As of June 1, 2018, the official website will be taken down, the social media accounts will be suspended, all Ƀ-bucks will be returned to the United States Bureau, and all NBC pins will be confiscated and properly disposed.  All trace of the Nueva Basketball Club will be terminated and wiped from Nueva record. On behalf of the entire club, we sincerely hope for the best in regards to the basketball community and all of the Mighty 91. For those of you who enjoyed our emails and surveys, thank you for your amazing support, and it has meant the world to us.  We had a good run, but as they say, “all good things must come to an end.”  It has truly been an honor serving as your NBC President this past academic year, and it is for this reason and this reason only that I announce that this is just the beginning… we will be back.

Smile and nod,

Jeremy Dumalig

“This is a new year. A new beginning. And things will change.” -Taylor Swift*

5/29/18: eNd oF tHE yEAr

Happy day MIGHTY 91,

As the school year comes to an end, it is a Nueva tradition to appreciate valuable members of the community. But, because the NBC is in constant opposition with Nueva and the administration, we will be doing the opposite of an appreciation circle: a depreciation circle.

We will be holding our depreciation circle during lunch on Friday, June 1st by the tables on the east courtyard. The NBC would lo💖e to have 101% attendance so please come (all attendees will receive 50 Ƀ-bucks). There will also be a party afterwards in our GYMNASIUM!!!!! We would love to get the entire grade 1% better.

With a perspective,

I’m Jeremías Dumaløg

“The student has truly become the teacher.” -Gabriel Baker

5/26/18: ¡¡!!!GyM===oPeN¡¡!!

Good mourning Mighty 91. It has come to my attention that the Nueva Administration has blocked and spam-filtered the following email. The NBC will not condone this behavior and is fighting back in the only way we know; “if at first you don’t succeed, try,try again.”

Good mourning MIGHTY MIGHTY 91,

In the spirit of loVe, the NBC would like to take some time to reflect on what it means to be a member of the NBC Community (wE aRE onE cOMmUniTY).  On a similar note, we would like to inform you all that the gym is now


Spring Production and Soundwaves are “out of the picture” and will no longer be colonizing our space.  To celebrate this fantastastic, marvelelous, unbelievievable, excellellent, deliciciuos vICtorY, the NBC has launched a new update, link here.  The NBC is also releasing Ƀ-BucksTM, the official club currency.  Lastt, but not leastt, we wood like to recongieze that this is the 10th official NBC sponsored email!

Super much thank,

Pjeremey Doomalig (silent p)

Sent by my BlackBerry

mAnY OF You Have ASKEd aBoUT OR rEQUEsTed An ofFIcIAl nbc PIN.  due to lImiteD SUPPLy, WE Will OnlY be giVing ouT 14 pIns, In cOmmEMORATiON Of HIs holineSS ThE 14Th Dalai Llama.  iF YOu WoUlD liKe TO oWn A PIN, pleaSE Fill oUt AN APPlICATIon HErE.  iT iS a grAded QUIz And tHe 14 CaNdIdaTes WITH tHe 14 hIGhEsT sCoRes wILL rECEIVe A PIn.

5/3/18: CoStA rICa deBRieF

Dear MIGHTY 91,


As we have all recently returned from our class trip that is Costa Rica, the NBC (aka Nueva Basketball Club) asks that you all complete this brief survey.  We take this extremely seriously, and your feedback will be received with great joy and jubilation.  In collaboration with the 11th grade dean, the NBC will use this feedback to plan and organize the next trip.  Lastly, if for some reason someone would like to unsubscribe from the NBC’s mailing list, you can do so from this survey.

Lastly, the NBC is proud to publicly recognize Jason Hwong, Joshua Francis, and Atharv Chandra as the only three students to wear their Costa Rica shirt to SFO, and also Ina Lalic as the only student to turn in the Costa Rica Liability Contrack.  These achievements should be celebrated, as these four students, in addition to the Jack, David and I, were the only seven people officially cleared to travel.




Germy Damalig


“Not only is it the case that happy people are more willing to help others, but as I generally point out, helping others is the best way to help yourself, the best way to promote your own happiness. It is you, yourself, who will receive the benefit.” -his holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

4/19/18: Important Costa Rica information: Airport instructions and more!

Image result for costa rica flag

Costa Rica Flag!

Dear MIGHTY 91,

It is almost time to go to Costa Rica! YEAH!!!! The excitement is palpable! Costa Rica is popping up everywhere – even as a new small lot coffee option at Starbucks!

Here’s the latest flight information – these may change – if so, I will let everyone know:

International Flights

UA 1096 23APRIL Houston(IAH) - San Jose 945 1225pm


UA 1490 30APRIL San Jose – Houston 130p 630p

Domestic Flights

UA 1200  23APRIL San Francisco (SFP) - Houston (CUZ)   100 650


UA1844  30APRIL Houston (CUZ)  - San Francisco (SFO) 740 1015  

  • Important phone numbers:

    • Should you need ANYTHING while we are in Costa Rica, please feel free to call ANYTIME:

      • Jack Brasesco: 011 51 415 601 2782

      • Jeremy Dumaling: 011 51 415 745 5327

  • Packing List is attached.

    • PLEASE DOUBLE/TRIPLE CHECK that you are 100% prepared.

    • IMPORTANT: Please remember to pack enough carry-able snacks to last the entire trip.


Due by Sunday, April 22nd:

  • Please complete the attached REQUIRED forms from BAdventures, our travel company.

  • Students, please bring your completed, signed forms to Jeremy Dumalig on April 22.

What to do on Sunday, April 22nd:

  • Arrive at the airport between 9:30pm and at 10:15 pm. PLEASE BE ON TIME!!! (Set 5 alarms -- The flight may leave earlier!)

  • WEAR YOUR PERU T-SHIRT (as an outer layer) If you do not have a T-shirt, get one from your closet this week.

  • Parents should drive your student to the departure CURB of the DOMESTIC terminal near the UNITED AIRLINES sign.

  • Student will find one of YOUR SUBGROUP chaperones at the departure CURB.

  • BEFORE parents drive away, GIVE your current passport to YOUR GROUP chaperone AT THE CURB (passport must be valid through December 2018 – chaperone will check).

  • Student will go into the terminal and find their other group chaperones who will be with their group.

  • From that point on, student must stay with their group – no wandering please. We have to check all 91 students in!

  • What about food?

We are not going to be fed on the airplane. Optionally, especially for less adventurous eaters, I would suggest bringing food that YOU LIKE with you just in case you don’t like the airplane food. You may want to bring enough for 2 meals. We are not assured that we will have time to buy food before boarding at SFO, or that food establishments that you like will be opened. There will be SNACKS at the hotel in San Jose when we arrive – BE PREPARED!!!

  • Please bring or wear a jacket/wrap in your on-plane backpack case the plane is cold.


San Jose: 75F high, 65F low

  • Do I need a special electrical adapter?

In Costa Rica you will not have your phone.  Therefore, you do not need a special electrical adapter.  But if you choose to bring only a charger, we recommend you to pack a 3 to 2 prong adapter.

  • Can I bring my laptop? No.

  • When can phones be used?

    • Cell phones will PRIMARILY be used to follow the Nueva Basketball Club on Snapchat (thebballclub) and Instagram (@thebasketballclub).

    • Phones cannot be used to call home for a few minutes at night, remembering to respect roommates’ need for sleep, because you WILL NOT HAVE THEM.

    • With chaperone permission, on specific occasions phones cannot be used to listen to music, because you WILL NOT HAVE THEM.

    • Please refrain from texting friends and from playing games on your phone because the goal of the trip is to focus on your group and your groups lens during this trip. Practice being in the moment.

    • We will not use phones for calling, texting, or gaming during the day, because you WILL NOT HAVE THEM. (note the use of repetition as a rhetorical device)

  • What should students take on the plane in their backpack?

    • Food (possibly for 4 meals)

    • Snacks

    • A jacket

    • Something to keep yourself busy - reading material (or writing or drawing or crosswords, etc.)

    • Optional: toothbrush/toothpaste, small toiletries

    • Phone charger (NOT the phone)

    • Your money (USA & Costa Rican)

    • Medicine

    • Other things?

Please send me any questions still on your mind – and expect a few more important emails from me.


Basketball Club


“Our real enemies and the enemies of humanity are negative emotions like anger and hatred.  Indeed, people who are dominated by powerful negative emotions should be objects of our compassion” - His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama


Greetings and salutations MIGHTY 91,

Happy International April 1st Day, also known as April FOOLS!  Coincidententally, today is the 91st day of the YEAR!  This is in fact NOT a coincidence but planned by the Administration in order to make a joke of the Nueva 10th grade.  Even worse, this date is exactly around the time that the gym was closed due to unforeseen circumstances… Soundwaves? Quest? Concert? Spring Production? All of the above?  Please hear us out in this heartbreaking speech by our one and only spokesman, Jack Brasesco.

To combat this, the Nueva Basketball Club created an extremely short survey that is intended to promote and celebrate the amazing diversity and uniqueness of the MIGHTY 91.  The link is included here.  The Nueva Basketball Club would be absolutely overjoyed if every single member of the MIGHTY 91 completed the survey.

Lastly, the Nueva Basketball Club would like to reveal its official website (not yet mobile-friendly).  Our fearless leader and head of communications, Jerememy Dumpling, assisted by spokesman Jack Brasesco and director of marketing David Shields, has worked tirelessly in producing the most anticipated site of the year.


Jeremey Dumalig

“The many factors which divide us are actually much more superficial than those we share. Despite all of the things that differentiate us – race, language, religion, gender, wealth and so on – we are all equal concerning our fundamental humanity. ” -his holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

2/36/18: David and Goliath: Nueva Basketball Club survives big scare!

Happy holidays Mighty 91!

Breaking news: the Nueva basketball season is officially over.  On behalf of the Nueva Basketball Club, let us commemorate this with a eulogy written by none other than Jeremy Dumalig.  In memory:

First I would like to thank all of you for your support. It means so much to us all.  Basketball was my passion but it was also a passion to David Shields, Jack Brasesco, Josh Francis, and countless others, plus Chris Brandin and Barry Treseler, our coaches.  We all have memories of basketball. I wanted to share one of my most precious memories with you now from the past few months.

The most fun I had was going for romantic afternoon strolls with my teammates to the Habit; we truly “made it a habit.”  We would eat together, laugh together, and later win together (with exception to when we lost).  But what I cherished most about basketball was that it brought us all together as a team.  Hopefully you all had a chance to look at this season’s pictures (courtesy of JD Brasesco).  Regardless, this past season could not be put into words or photos.

This season lasted a mere 88 days, from the first game to the last.  We shared Mid-Peninsula blowouts, Summit Shasta trash-talking, Kehillah Jewish nail-biters, and San Francisco Christian forfeits.  Through it all, through the 14-7 season, through the ups and downs, basketball provided us with months of joy; of love.  The study halls, the shooting clinics, the open gyms, the progression running, the conditioning, the Ethan Dowsett foul-outs, the 11s, the 22s, the Power 7’s, the Daily Dozens, the film sessions, the 1% improvement, the Dalai Lama quotes…

Basketball, we love you…

On a side note, would you all please complete this short survey.  Unfortunately, Nueva Basketball Club surveys will be ending as of this week.  This survey is the last of its kind.  Additionally, if you would like to unsubscribe from all Nueva Basketball Club emails forever, you can complete the survey (there is an unsubscribe option).  Please feel free to come up to us and offer your words of encouragement.

It's been fun,

Jeremiah Dumalig

“Anger and aggression sometimes seem to be protective because they bring energy to bear on a particular situation, but that energy is blind. It takes a calm mind to be able to consider things from different angles and points of view.” -his holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

2/14/18: I think I love you <3

Salutations Mighty 91,

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, the Nueva Basketball Club would like to share something that they love: a close reading of the lyrics of the club's official song.  Because the Nueva Basketball Club is a community of solidarity and understanding, we want to learn more about and appreciate the things that you all love.  Please respond to this email naming a few things that you love (minimum: 450 words).  That was a JOKE.  Please note the use of a joke as a hysterical device.  Also, please fill out this extremely quick, 1 question survey.

Lots of love,

Jeremey Dummalig

Sent by my eyePhone 11

2/8/18: We have been foiled AGAIN?!??!?!?!

Greetings Mighty 91!

I knoW thaT MOst OF yOU aRe BUsY wORKIng ON Next weeK's homework, but as we live in a time of great sadness, it is important to remember to show compassion and solidarity for every member of this community.  ThE nUeva bAsketbaLl CLuB cOmmunity haS recEnTly bEen dISplaCEd once AGain.  oN ThiS Date iN HistoRy, feBruaRy 2, 2018 cE, thE COMMOn ERa, the NueVa gymnasium was closed due to unforeseen circumstances that will not be named.  Please reply to this email with your opinions and words of support.

In the meantime, to relieve stress, here is the heartwarming eyewitness story of the creation of the nUeva bAsketbaLl CLuB:

      "It all started on a stormy, dark day in spring of 2017.  I walked up the stairs, step by step.  I remembered during practice when we conditioned on the very same steps: 'you skip, you slip' -teammate that will not be named.  Those words echoed through my head.  aS I APPRoACHed thE gym doOR, i NotiCed somethINg WAS difFEREnT; i DiDn'T heAr aNY bAlls boUnCInG... i dIDN'T hEaR any SHOES sqUeaKing... I DIdn't SEnSe AnYone gETTIng 1% BETTER.  As I opened the door, my worst nightmare lay before my eyes.

      I could not see the three point line.  I could not see the free throw line.  I couldn't tell what was out of bounds and what was in bounds.  The basketballs were gone. The hoops were up. This horrific experience is equivalent to going to school and having all classes cancelled.  ThE ONLy dIffERence is tHat The gyM bEiNG closEd Is A BaD tHiNg.  buT waIt! ThEre wAS A WeiRd ShaPE In the miDDLe OF tHE gyM; gIGANtic, fulL Of sMALler SHAPES... IT waS thE STaGe FoR The SPrinG prODUCTiOn.  i walKed back oUTSIdE, traumatized by what had just occurred.

      This awful feeling was one that I refused to feel again.  With a few of my fellow basketball players, I walked outside.  We had lost our identity.  Our national identity.  we WeRe WIlliNG To FIght; to DO ANYTHIng tO geT bACK thE RIGhT to plAy baskEtBALL in THe GyM.  UNfORtuNAtElY, wE ENDed UP GeTTING oUrseLvEs INTo a LENGthy lEgaL bATTLe WITh THOSe iN PoWer knOWN as ThE adMINiSTRATiOn.

      the fOLloWINg scHOOL YeaR, We were nOT gOING to ALlOw OuRSELVes to be opPrEsSEd And DiSpLAceD.  after brainstorming for nearly a million milliseconds, we had the perfect idea: form the nUeva bAsketbaLl CLuB."

ThANk YOU FOR takINg thE TIME to Read tHis iNSpIRinG sToRY.  pLeasE REPlY wItH A 300-450 word close reading of this passage.


Jereremy Dumalig

"Developing inner values is much like physical exercise.  The more we train our abilities, the stronger they become.  The difference is that, unlike the body, when it comes to training the mind, there is no limit to how far we can go." -his holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

ALSO: Eliot Cowan is present today.

1/23/18: How much does Basketball Club mean to YOU?

Salutations Mighty 90!

        Happy late New Years, and welcome back to school, where everyone's dreams come true!  Fun fact90 is one more than 89 and one less than 91!!!  In the spirit of the new year, the Nueva Basketball Club, led by me (Jeremy Dumalig), with supporting cast Jack Brasesco (spokesman) and David Shields (marketing director/Warriors hype man), is welcoming anyone of all grades and backgrounds to join.  Join Basketball Club if you love basketball!  Join Basketball Club if you don't love basketball!  Join Basketball Club regardless of your passions!  Trust me, you will not regret this decision.
        As a friendly reminder, the Nueva Basketball Club meets every single day in room GYM.  The gym is located on the south side of the Bay Meadows campus (directions here to get to Bay Meadows).  I realize the possibility that not everyone knows their way around Nueva, and so I attached a detailed map of the campus (titled "map"), made by the one and only Michael Peller.  The attachment link will take you on a magical journey to a place known as Google Drive.  The attachment is in a folder.  Please disregard the other files as they are extremely private to the Basketball Club and the only the Basketball Club.  Anyways, this awesome club meets for 35 minutes during lunch/tutorial, and we really strive to follow in the footsteps of our role model and inspiration, Christopher Brandin, improving by 1% every day.
        The Basketball Club is proud to say that we never skip a day, but our meeting room has been compromised for the past few days.  This really struck some of our members by surprise, and, in fact, a few of us cried (they will not be named).  We understand that the gym is not our property and we are 101% happy to share it, but for every day that the gym is closed, 30 members go without shelter.  Our spokesman very recently gave a heartfelt speech, rallying a full crowd; attached is the speech (in the same folder as the map of Nueva, titled "rally cry").
       Lastly, on behalf of the Basketball Club, we ask that you all fill out this survey.  It would really mean a lot to us and it will only take a few hours (give or take).

Jeremy Dumalig

"I am convinced we can become happier individuals, happier communities and a happier humanity by cultivating a warm heart, allowing our better selves to prevail.
" -his holiness the 14th Dalai Lama


Hello Mighty 90 again, 

I know that some (if not all) of you are busy writing essays and working on your QUEST projects, but I'm writing to remind you all one more time of a very important opportunity.  It is a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn how to shoot and dunk a basketball.  Hosted by the Nueva Basketball Club, Basketball 101 welcomes players of any experience level.  You can even come if you don't like basketball!  You can even come if you don't like basketball!  Please note the use of repetition as a rhetorical device for the effect of persuading the reader.  One more reminder!  We will be featuring a very super very special guest speaker from the the North.  He will be talking about his book, titled, "100%," and will give us some live demonstrations, as well as advice on how he improves by 1% every single day.  Please keep in mind he has come a long way for this presentation and we should give him our FULL attention.  I hope you all are as excited to attend as he is to come.  But I digress, as usual.  Come to the session to find out more about this mystery man (he is a man).

Here are the details: Friday, November 17, 2017.  We are located in Room 317 (that is the third floor, FYI) of the Nueva School (instructions to get there here).  Room 317 is a small place, so please be mindful of your surroundings and the local history (we are travelersnot tourists).  A map of the campus is attached below.

Reminder: I am aiming for 100% participation from the Mighty 90 on my survey.  Here is the very extremely short, important, 10-question survey.  I have currently receieved 63 responses, and I need a little under 30 more.  Also, you can only submit one response, so if you already submitted one, GOOD JOB!

Jeremy Dumalig

"Anger and aggression sometimes seem to be protective because they bring energy to bear on a particular situation, but that energy is blind. It takes a calm mind to be able to consider things from different angles and points of view."  -his holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

(link to more inspirational quotes)

11/16/17: Basketball 101

Hello Mighty 90

As some of you may know, the Nueva Basketball Club is holding an Unconference session this Friday, titled: "How to shoot (and dunk) a basketball," also known as Basketball 101.  Please take this very serious survey.  It is an extremely short, 10-question survey that should only take about 5 minutes (10 for some of you).  The Nueva Basketball Club would be extremely delighted if every single student of the Mighty 90 completed the survey, and the Nueva Basketball Club would be even more extremely delighted if every single student of the Mighty 90 attends the Basketball 101 Unconference (and improves by 1%).

Jeremy Dumalig

"Basketball is the worst sport in the history of sports." -no one ever